Alessia and Lorenzo
Alessia and Lorenzo wedding has been one of the most unconventional weddings I have ever photographed, obviously in the most positive way ever!
As soon as I arrived at the citi hall of Cantagallo (Prato, PO) I saw Lorenzo surrounded by all of their friends and then they entered in the building.
Alessia arrived with a friend with a kilt in a car, which was full of inflatable big toys! She was dressed with a black dress and she had a pair of fantastic heart-shaped white sunglasses and she started walking to the city hall with her dad (who had the most FANTASTIC t-shirt I've ever seen!).
As soon as she entered in the city hall where Lorenzo was waiting for her, I saw how much they love each other; they started crying right in that moment. They told me they are together since 20 years.
After the touching ceremony done by one of their friends, we went to the location, which was in the mountain over Prato.
The rest of the day has been so fun! People danced a lot on 80s music and I have totally loved taking photos of them!